Yesterday, all the crew from Akot came to Rumbek, where we met the rest of the Fusion teams from around the area at the home of the local missionaries, Mark & Kathy. Nice bunch of folks. Good supper, too.
While the young folks sat up and watched a movie, I went on to bed on my cot/air mattress combination under the stars. It is surprisingly comfortable, all things considered. It was VERY hot when I went to bed, but it was cool before morning (mid-80s!). After the heat of the day, 85, especially with low humidity and a breeze, can feel down-right cold.
This morning, most of the crowd went out to different churches. I had intended to go with a group to the Pentacostal church, but they left much earlier than I expected. So, I just used the morning to worship while washing clothes and watching the dozens of beautiful little birds that are migrating into or through the area. There were some spectacular little canary-sized birds, some colored like purple finches. Also a pygmy kingfisher. I had my MP3 player hooked up to some tiny speakers, so I had a concert of worship music going behind me, with the birds in front.
Late morning, we loaded up and headed for the Safari-Style Hotel, where we had been booked in for one night (4 meals -- lunch to lunch). The "hotel rooms" are mostly big tents which include a rear section with toilet and shower. No AC, but they have electricity and a good fan.
I spent the afternoon in the "cabana" near the swimming pool, on the computer. (They have wireless Internet here. It's nice, but with so many people using the same router, it really slows down.). Late in the afternoon, I got in the pool, and it was WONDERFUL!!! There was also a satelite TV, and we watched a couple of episodes of "Band of Brothers," plus another movie and some sports re-broadcasts.
Thank you for your prayers, and for all of you who have written. I have been very aware of a change in the spiritual atmosphere since Friday night. We will be heading back into the fray Tuesday morning. In fact, we hope to be meeting with some key people from Akot here in Rumbek tomorrow afternoon, and there response may have a significant effect back in Akot.
While we were there, we also talked and prayed with one of the relatives who,because of some of his behavior, for several years has been considered dangerously "crazy" and has been kept chained to a tree. His chains seem to me to illustrate much more than just one man's physical condition.
Please continue to pray for us. We have some remarkable opportunities befor us. At the same time, we have some remarkable opposition in the spiritual realm -- which, although just as important and real in the United States, is all the more obvious here in Africa.
We are praying to see not only the man unchained from the tree, but also to see the freedom in Jesus Christ of many more who are held just as tightly by unseen chains.
Thanks also to those who have tried to help me identify the beautiful blue bird. It is apparently a "European Roller" [Coracias garrulus] and is a "palearctic winter visitor" here. Kathy lent me her East African bird book, and although it is not perfect for this area, it is pretty good on the main birds. The "small, solid-black-with-brilliant-red-throat bird" I mentioned earlier is apparently a Hunter's Sunbird.
I have only the rest of this week in Akot before I return to Rumbek to fly back to Kenya -- and try to get a flight back to the US. (That unpronouncable volcano in Iceland has totally disrupted flights between Europe and East Africa. I am hoping they are back in service by the 27th.)
It's getting late here, so I must get on to bed. And tomorrow morning, that swimming pool waits....
While the young folks sat up and watched a movie, I went on to bed on my cot/air mattress combination under the stars. It is surprisingly comfortable, all things considered. It was VERY hot when I went to bed, but it was cool before morning (mid-80s!). After the heat of the day, 85, especially with low humidity and a breeze, can feel down-right cold.
This morning, most of the crowd went out to different churches. I had intended to go with a group to the Pentacostal church, but they left much earlier than I expected. So, I just used the morning to worship while washing clothes and watching the dozens of beautiful little birds that are migrating into or through the area. There were some spectacular little canary-sized birds, some colored like purple finches. Also a pygmy kingfisher. I had my MP3 player hooked up to some tiny speakers, so I had a concert of worship music going behind me, with the birds in front.
Late morning, we loaded up and headed for the Safari-Style Hotel, where we had been booked in for one night (4 meals -- lunch to lunch). The "hotel rooms" are mostly big tents which include a rear section with toilet and shower. No AC, but they have electricity and a good fan.
I spent the afternoon in the "cabana" near the swimming pool, on the computer. (They have wireless Internet here. It's nice, but with so many people using the same router, it really slows down.). Late in the afternoon, I got in the pool, and it was WONDERFUL!!! There was also a satelite TV, and we watched a couple of episodes of "Band of Brothers," plus another movie and some sports re-broadcasts.
Thank you for your prayers, and for all of you who have written. I have been very aware of a change in the spiritual atmosphere since Friday night. We will be heading back into the fray Tuesday morning. In fact, we hope to be meeting with some key people from Akot here in Rumbek tomorrow afternoon, and there response may have a significant effect back in Akot.
On Friday, In Akot, we were able to meet with some of the key people we needed to get to. On Saturday, before we left for Rumbek, we were able to visit a household with whom we have previously had contact and which has its own idol house.

Please continue to pray for us. We have some remarkable opportunities befor us. At the same time, we have some remarkable opposition in the spiritual realm -- which, although just as important and real in the United States, is all the more obvious here in Africa.
We are praying to see not only the man unchained from the tree, but also to see the freedom in Jesus Christ of many more who are held just as tightly by unseen chains.
Thanks also to those who have tried to help me identify the beautiful blue bird. It is apparently a "European Roller" [Coracias garrulus] and is a "palearctic winter visitor" here. Kathy lent me her East African bird book, and although it is not perfect for this area, it is pretty good on the main birds. The "small, solid-black-with-brilliant-red-throat bird" I mentioned earlier is apparently a Hunter's Sunbird.
I have only the rest of this week in Akot before I return to Rumbek to fly back to Kenya -- and try to get a flight back to the US. (That unpronouncable volcano in Iceland has totally disrupted flights between Europe and East Africa. I am hoping they are back in service by the 27th.)
It's getting late here, so I must get on to bed. And tomorrow morning, that swimming pool waits....
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