I didn’t think much about it over the next couple of
days, but it did cross my mind. There was one gift I had specifically requested
from God, and I hadn’t received it. Oh well. My other obvious blessings and
pleasures kept my mind busy, and I did not fret. But if I stopped and allowed
myself to think about it, that “something” was still missing.
This morning, I was working at my desk when a soft knock
came at the front door. I opened the door to find a man holding a rake and looking
for work. Didn’t I need him to rake the front yard? Or was there something else
he could do? His family had lost its house and was having to live in a small
motel room, so he had to do whatever was necessary to earn a little money and
keep things together.
The yard really didn’t look too bad, but then… I really
hate raking leaves, and he needed the work, so…. I told the man he could rake
the leaves. We didn’t discuss price, but I knew even then that I would be
paying him more than the job was really worth. Somehow, I already knew that
this situation was my Gift.
As the morning continued, I had several occasions to go
outside. Each time I had opportunity for a little more conversation with the
man with the rake, and each time, I learned a little more about him. Like so
many in our community, he couldn’t find work, but he still had rent to pay and
children to feed. And each time I looked out the window the man was raking fast
and carefully.
I knew about how long it would take him to finish the
front yard, so I knew I had a little time. I remembered that I had a couple of
shirts, some new work socks, and a few other items that he might find useful. I
also asked Patsy if she had some portable food items we could put together. By
the time the raker of leaves was finished, we had a couple of nice bags filled
and ready to go.
It was then that I asked the man whether he would like
something to eat. I already knew he hadn’t had much this morning. He agreed
that something to eat would be nice, and I invited him in. Very shortly, we sat
down together for a meal of Patsy's Christmas leftovers, and you can be sure that when he pushed
back from the table, there was nothing left on his plate but the fork.
During the course of the meal we talked. My new friend
spoke very frankly of some of the bad choices he made in his life, and of the
difficulties he now faces as he looks for work. I was able to encourage him
and, perhaps, point him in some useful directions. It was during lunch, also,
that he told me about letting God change his entire approach to life, and that
of the doors he had knocked on this morning, only ours had opened.
Then it was time to go. I already knew that with the packages my friend would be carrying, he would need a ride, so I took him in the van to
the little motel.
Yes, Christmas was late this year. The Gift I had asked
for was that God would send a stranger to join us at our table. The Gift was three
days late, but now I have had Christmas.